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For community cohesion and social inclusion

Published:  15 Sep 2021

Bulgaria to target youth with #BeActive sports village in Sofia

Bulgaria’s European Week of Sport programme

This year Bulgaria, is preparing to mobilise more citizens than ever before. The Ministry of Youth and Sports (MYS) has a mission to promote social inclusion by encouraging participation in EWoS.

Following the major impact the COVID-19 pandemic had on both physical and mental health, the country decided to share a positive message, “It’s time to #BeActive again, nothing can stop you.”

Based on the principle that sport is a powerful healing instrument, EWoS optimism offers a powerful antidote to health issues. The EWoS 2021 Bulgarian program will not only accommodate the maximum number of people becoming involved in sport, it will also increase awareness about the benefits of an active lifestyle.

Youth and Sports

In Bulgaria, the MYS supports sport federations, clubs, and non-governmental organisations acting in the field of youth and sports.

Opportunities for participating in sports exist everywhere in Bulgaria and are not limited to competitive activities and organised recreation. Such opportunities are oriented at younger generations in particular.

Every year, a number of public events and special campaigns are put in place to inspire individuals to #BeActive and to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

#BeActive sports village

With its focus on the youth, it is appropriate that the venue for the #BeActive sports village and #BeActive Night is in front of the National Palace of Culture in the capital Sofia, one of the favourite meeting spots for local teens.

During the Week, several tournaments encompassing more than 35 sport disciplines will take place. Information points will also encourage people towards participation.

The main event will be #BeActive Night, when sport games and live artistic performances will be showcased.

This year, there will be added significance because national authorities will be accompanied by Bulgarian-born Ms. Mariya Gabriel, EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth.

Tagged in:  BeActive EWoS 2021
Published:  15 Sep 2021

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