Meet our EU Olympic Ambassadors Jüri-Mikk, Giulia and Michel
The European Week of Sport is coming closer. From 23 to 30 September 2024 thousands of sport activities will light up Europe in the name of sport. Jüri-Mikk, Giulia and Michel are here to inspire us with their talent, skills, and perseverance to enjoy sports and #BeActive.
Regular physical activity is an essential part of our well-being, both at a physical level and at a mental level. If you need an extra push to do sport, we have the EU Olympic Ambassadors to motivate you. Jüri-Mikk Udam, Giulia Quintavalle and Michel Cymes are here to inspire us with their talent, skills, and perseverance to enjoy sports and #BeActive.
Get inspired by our Ambassadors
Don’t miss any update! You can follow the #BeActive campaign on the official website and watch the EU Olympic Ambassadors contributions on our social media accounts through Facebook, Instagram, and X.
Let’s get ready for the upcoming 2024 European Week of Sport.