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The European Football for Development Network (EFDN) will give disabled children and young people more opportunities to play football at an appropriate, safe and inclusive level.


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End date:


The European Football for Development Network (EFDN) will give disabled children and young people more opportunities to play football at an appropriate, safe and inclusive level. Through 2 Erasmus+ projects, EFDN aims to facilitate access to physical activities to these 2 groups, while including them in society as a whole.

Addressing intellectual disability is the Special Champions League

This project aims to establish an inclusive football movement providing frequent sporting opportunities for young persons with intellectual disabilities aged 15+. It also provides regular opportunities to socialise between those with and without intellectual disabilities. The idea is to develop local football teams to train and compete at a low level and participating in international matchs all over Europe. Engaged athletes with intellectual disabilities will have the opportunity to learn to coach.

Nobody Offside project

‘Nobody Offside’ is a social inclusion programme for young amputees. 5 European organisations will organise local programmes to get more young amputees involved in football, while inspiring other clubs.

Awareness and training are the first stage. A European awareness campaign will be organised, including video competition giving the opportunity to young European amputees to attend international events. Referees and coaches will be trained.

The project methodology will be tested over 4 seasons, during which international events will take place. Furthermore, summer camps will give the young amputees the chance to socialise while improving their football skills.

The final event, the ‘Nobody Offside Champions League and Festival’, will bring together teams and players for a football celebration, giving them the chance to meet other European players and compete with them

Expected measurable outcome

Special Champions League

  • Number of persons with disabilities taking part in regular football and sport sessions: up to 1728
  • Number of sports organisations delivering the Special Champions League programme: 32
  • Number of educational workshops and socialisation activities delivered: 192
  • Number of staff trained to deliver intellectual disability focussed programmes: 64

Nobody Offside

  • Number of sports organisations delivering the Nobody Offside programme: 25
  • Number of amputee football sessions delivered: 320
  • Number of workshops and socialisation activities delivered: 160