- Published:
Making workplaces and employees more active
The European Federation for Company Sport (EFCS) will promote the practice of sport and physical activity in the workplace, as the professional area is the ideal place for people to be less sedentary and more active.
- Organisation:
- European Federation for Company Sport
- Country:
- Start date:
- End date:
- Pillar:
- Increased awareness for healthy lifestyles across all generations
- Website:
- E-mail:

Description of pledge activities
The European Federation for Company Sport (EFCS) will promote the practice of sport and physical activity in the workplace, as the professional area is the ideal place for people to be less sedentary and more active.
Promotion will be directed not only to employees and managers but also to company sport associations, works councils, human resources offices, employers and employees trade unions.
Media outlets, health and insurance organisations as well as public authorities will also be involved.
EFCS will
- strive to produce studies and surveys and transmit the data gathered to the above-mentioned protagonists to encourage the practice of sport in the context of the company
- organise events to promote the pledge during the #HealthyLifestyle4All initiative and support the fight against sedentary lifestyles, including companies as well as interested employees
- emphasise that, within the framework of each of the European projects in which EFCS is involved, particular attention will be paid to the fulfillment of this pledge
Expected measurable outcome
- Increasing awareness of healthy lifestyles within the workplace
- Increasing number of companies labelled with the active workplace certification
- Raise awareness of companies ahead of European Company Sport Games in Arnhem and in Bordeaux