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For community cohesion and social inclusion

Published:  10 May 2023

Meet the winners of the #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards 2022

For the first time, this years’ awards ceremony for the #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards took place during the EU Sport Forum 2023 in Stockholm, Sweden.

Ms Viviane Hoffman, Deputy Director-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, and three special guests rewarded the best projects which use sport as a tool for social inclusion, peace and gender equality.

Breaking Barriers

The work of finalists in this category demonstrates best practices in overcoming obstacles which prevent people from taking part in sport.

Tomasz Frankowski, member of the European Parliament and co-chair of European Parliament Sport group announced the winner of the Breaking Barriers category: Free Movement Skateboarding (FMS), from Greece. They support the wellbeing, empowerment, and social cohesion of youth through skateboarding in Athens.

© Aidan Frere-Smith for Free Movement Skateboarding, 2023

Be Equal

Projects in this category recognise the added value of more gender equality in the sport sector, provide safe sport environments for girls, and empower women to build resilience and self-confidence.

Emine Bozkurt, member of the High-level Group on Gender Equality in sport awarded the prize of the category Be Equal to Kajak Klub Zlatorog, from Slovenia. They are committed to removing barriers to sport participation among girls, increase and retain female kayakers in a fun, safe, girl-friendly community. 

© Kajak Klub Zlatorog, 2022

Sport for Peace

Finalists in this category put a special emphasis on promoting peace and European values through physical activity.

Andriy Chesnokov, the Deputy Minister for Youth and Sports of Ukraine for European Integration travelled over 30 hours from Ukraine to Stockholm to reward the winner of the category Sport for Peace: Youth Line, from Portugal. They help victims of the war build a new life in the host country through community-building and sport activities.

© Youth Line

Congratulations to the winners and to all finalists for their great work, showing the value of sport in promoting social inclusion, gender equality, peace and European values.

Tagged in:  BeInclusive
Published:  10 May 2023